Girl mom and toddler daughter rubs noses together and smile during playtime

I’m Not The Mom You Think I Am

“I’m not the ‘mean mom’ who yelled at her kids when they wouldn’t listen. And I’m not the cute mom in the supermarket who looks all put together. Those were me only for a few minutes.”

6 Things You NEED To Know Before Adopting

“Despite being deemed competent and fit by my state of residence to adopt, I was ill-prepared for all that comes with bringing a child from another family into my home.”

‘I hid behind my mom the 1st day of kindergarten, afraid to walk into a room of kids who did not yet know I was different.’: Woman with alopecia shares self-love journey, ‘I show up for myself’

“A close friend asked, ‘Can you be a bridesmaid at my wedding?’ I realized I couldn’t do it with my usual head coverings. The whole time at the wig shop, I cried. With each one I tried on, I felt like I was giving up, forced to resign, like I was surrendering to a new life with no hope.”