‘Hours after we unloaded her into her new, tiny dorm, I grabbed my keys. ‘I’m coming back to get you,’ I announced, tears flowing on both ends.’: Mom urges parents dropping off kids at college to ‘watch them fly’

“A flood of emotion came over as I thought of my baby, the one who made me a mom, alone in a strange place, in a strange room, with strange people.  ‘No,’ she said as she cleared her throat. ‘You cannot come pick me up. If you do, I’ll never find the courage to do this.'”

‘No matter what you do, don’t go home, go straight to the hospital.’ Next thing we were hearing, ‘It’s your baby or your wife.’: After 3 angel babies, mom survives Severe HELLP syndrome to birth miracle preemie

“‘You can’t take her out yet! She is not ready! I’m only 27 weeks!’ The room spinning, I heard muffling voices in and out. ‘You may bleed out from every pore in your body. We need to take this baby out. It is the only way to save you.’ What we thought was a routine appointment turned into a nightmare.”