‘We have a 3-week-old girl.’ I had tears in my eyes. ‘We have a daughter, Kristen. We have a daughter!’: Couple adopt daughter on 5-year anniversary of miscarried angel baby

“Our adoption lawyer informed us our final hearing would be August 26, 2021. At the time, I didn’t realize the significance of that date, until Facebook reminded me in my memories of what happened 5 years earlier: a plea for prayer for Elijah, our Elijah. I stopped, realizing how God had set into motion something beyond what I had even imagined.”

‘It’s gotta be her genes, something is wrong with her.’ Rumors flooded about our little one.’:  Mom to son with limb differences urges for kindness, ‘We are all beautiful humans’

“Those unkind souls didn’t know I’d grab a pair of baby shoes and cry because my son couldn’t wear them. No idea I’d put away so many pants and shorts because his little leg wouldn’t fit. But despite the unexpected, when they placed him in my arms, I couldn’t have loved him more. He was mine. My baby. My special prince. He was taking his own slow steps in life, his own way.”

‘Every year, every milestone, is wrapped up in this image of an almost-man, walking out my front door.’: Mom to all-grown-up son urges ‘don’t blink, take in every moment’

“It’s just a stepping stone. A step away from the past. The past when I held him in my arms. A step closer to the future. The future when I have to let go. I can still see my little boy with his Spiderman backpack on his first day of kindergarten. I still see my baby on the first day he was placed in my trembling arms.”

Dear Established School Moms: Please Invite The New Mom Into Your Circle

“I see you all, meeting and greeting at a local coffee spot after drop off, pouring life into one another. I see you sipping fancy lattes and chatting about summer vacation trips you took, catching up like old friends. I see you, the ones I know from word of mouth who look my way, then right back to your cozy, familiar circle. Do you reminder what it was like to be an outsider?”

‘My son came to me in a dream after he died. ‘Mom, stop looking for me. You won’t find the me that was. I am alive in everyone around you. I am always with you.’: Mom of 4 loses firstborn son to suicide, gets touching winks from afterlife

“When we lowered his casket into the ground, a butterfly followed it in, and flew out as soon as the casket was laid down. It was evident to everyone who witnessed it; he lived life so big, and he would live as big on the other side. And so began his larger-than-life journey.”

‘I heard an odd noise coming from my son. I looked over to see orange drool trickle from his mouth, his body rhythmically bouncing.’: Mom fights for answers to son’s undiagnosed seizures, ‘We will never stop trying’

“We had no cell service. There were no other vehicles on the road. We were alone, on a deserted highway, with our child who was quite likely dying, and we had no idea what to do. Nobody wakes up one day and thinks to themselves, ‘Today is the day my world will explode. Today everything is going to change and I’ll never get over it.’ But that’s exactly what happened.”