“My husband and I have two daughters. Ivy is 15 years old (she is a talented artist and not girly or athletic, but exactly who she wants to be). My youngest daughter Paislee is 8 and she is trying softball this year for the first time. We were at practice a few weeks ago and I was talking with the other moms. I was saying I hoped Paislee learned to love the game because she was athletic. One of the moms told me that she was not athletic; that she was a girly girl.
I couldn’t sleep that night. All I could think was, ‘Why does she have to choose?’ I played every sport my school offered and wore lipstick to every game. So, the next day we went to the studio and created this photo. I seriously only spent about three minutes shooting because I knew exactly what I wanted. These photos were my daughter and some of the girls (not models) from the first day of shoots. I have three more days next month.

There is no box that defines them. They can be girly and athletic. Artsy and smart. Whatever they dream, they can achieve.

My favorite memory from the day was Millie refused to wear pink. Luckily, I have many dresses to choose from and she agreed on the blue.

We are all blown away by the interaction this has gotten. I was on a plane for a get-away with my mom to Mexico and when we landed, I told her Facebook must be broken.
Because you can do it all.
Posted by HMP Couture Imagery on Friday, April 12, 2019
I think so many women see their childhood in these images, and see their children. I see Dad’s posting that they see their little girls, or even men tagging their wives claiming this is their future babies!

Our daughters do not have to choose. My parents taught me I could be anything I wanted to be growing up. I didn’t realize until I was much older that everyone is not that blessed. I hope that every little girl who sees this series can see there is NO box. Whatever their dreams are, they can achieve.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Heather Mitchell of HMP Couture Imagery in Moulton, Alabama. Follow her on Instagram here. Submit your own story here, and subscribe to our free newsletter for our best stories.
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