“Listen up, Mama!
Your kids aren’t just YOUR kids.
They are your husband’s too.
Your house isn’t just YOUR house.
It is your husband’s too.
Your laundry isn’t just YOUR laundry.
It is your husband’s too.
Your dishes aren’t just YOUR dishes.
They are your husband’s too.
Your bills aren’t just YOUR bills.
They are your husband’s too.
Everything you have as a family, you have equally with your husband. That means equal responsibility.
You see the baskets of laundry lined up in my hallway? My husband washed and dried those clothes. Then, he put them all away.
He didn’t do it because I asked him to (I actually didn’t ask him at all). He did it because it needed to be done.
My husband saw how busy I was with the boys.
He saw how difficult it would be for me to break away.
He took it upon himself to handle the laundry.
After he was finished with the laundry, he cleaned the dishes.
Again, I didn’t ask him to do these chores. He isn’t my child whom I reward for completing tasks.
He is my partner.
We are in this equally. Sometimes, that means I spend more time with the kids while he handles the house. Other times, it means the opposite.
Either way, it is not our job as wives to also mother our husbands.
Mama, your husband is more than capable of doing the work.
He is more than capable of spending time with the kids.
He is more than capable of paying the bills.
He is more than capable to be your partner.
Mama, tell your husband what you expect, and let him make the choice to respect you as his equal partner in life and in love.
Mama, you deserve an equal partner, someone who will wash all the dirty laundry and put all the clean laundry away.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Holly Dignen. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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