‘My daughter was your server. She is a hard working single mom to my grandson. She’s been working 2 jobs to come up with the money to give him Christmas and pay her bills.’

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“If anyone was a part of the group from Dollywood that ate at Logan’s Roadhouse tonight, I hope you see this post (or if anyone knows them, please show them).

My daughter was your server and is a very hard-working single mom to my amazing 4-year-old grandson. She’s been working two jobs for weeks now trying to come up with the money to give him Christmas and pay her bills. Not to mention she had to replace two tires on her car and another one with a knot on it she just found.

To be that young and all this thrown at you is hard to process. She tries so hard to not have to rely on anyone else and still be able to manage to live on her own. She’s called me so many times in the last few weeks in tears about money worries. You guys left there without knowing what an impact the generous tip you left her has made on her life. She’s prayed for a blessing like this to come her way. You gave her more than a tip for her service, you gave her a good Christmas for her son, a good night’s sleep after weeks of worrying, a way to pay some nagging bills hanging over her head, but most of all, you gave her the confidence to know God will provide in her time of need.

I hope each of you see this post and I hope you enjoy your Christmas even more knowing a pretty cute blonde 4-year-old will certainly be enjoying his, too… because of you. From me her mom, I sincerely want to thank you and wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.”

Mother smiles in selfie with young son smiling on her lap
Courtesy Janice Breeden Householder

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Janice Breeden Householder. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

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