‘On our way home, we ended up front and center for a local protest. My daughter said, ‘Mama.’: Mom wonders about George Floyd’s final words, ‘I wonder if in those last few breaths, he was calling not on her, but us’

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“On our way home the other night, we ended up front and center for a local demonstration.

I’ve been pretty quiet about what’s been going on in our country, because I’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes work on myself and my privilege. Hard, heart work.

But I also don’t want to continue sharing my stories without sharing my stance, so I’ll simply say this:

During that march, my daughter was reading every sign, including one that said ‘Mama.’ When she said it aloud, I thought she was asking for me. She wasn’t. Those were some of the final words of George Floyd.


Courtesy of Stephanie Hanrahan

I wonder if at age six, Mr. Floyd already knew his skin marked him as different. I wonder how many times throughout the years his mother couldn’t help him, nor herself, simply because of how they were born.

I wonder if in those last few breaths, he was calling not on her, but us.

Mamas fix things. We are the makers of homes and hearts. Sometimes, racism feels overwhelming and unmoving, but small actions equal big change. You’ve got a future world leader sitting in a car seat right now. Talk to them. Raise them to see color and say, ‘How beautiful.’ I’ve been pretty passionate about pushing inclusion. Getting rid of the ‘R’ word. Making sure there’s a seat at the table for my children and those like them.

Our black friends have been doing that for decades.

Mamas, join them. Don’t look away from people’s pain. Make room for it. Shoulder some, and openly tell your children to do the same.

No more posting memes and moving on. No more virtual thoughts and prayers and words without weight.

Education, empathy, action.

If a child calls, a mama comes.”

Courtesy Stephanie Hanrahan

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Stephanie Hanrahan. Follow Stephanie on Facebook here, Instagram here and visit her website here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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