‘Sometimes I make beautiful, healthy homemade meals for my family. Other times we have microwaveable chicken nuggets.’: Mom shares reminder ‘no one has it together all the time’

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“Sometimes I luck out and have a good hair day AND put together a well-thought-out outfit.

Other times (ahem most times) I roll up to school drop off with my hair in a top knot and my shirt on inside out.

Sometimes I make beautiful, healthy homemade meals for my family.

Other times we have microwaveable chicken nuggets and not nearly enough veggies.


Sometimes I spend hours playing with my kids.

Other times I am distracted by my phone.

Sometimes you would see my house and think, ‘Wow! How does she keep it so clean?!’

Other times you would see my house and think, ‘Wow! I’m pretty sure a small bomb has imploded in here.’


Sometimes I impress myself with my level of patience and say all the right things.

Other times I spit out words of anger that warrant an apology.

Sometimes you would see me and think:

She has it together, and at that moment, you would be right.


Other times you would see me and think:

She is a hot mess, and you would also be absolutely right,

Because no one has it all together all the time.

Motherhood is hard, complicated, beautiful, and amazing.


Somedays we are going to knock it out of the park.

Other days we will be barely hanging on.

Yet, all of it is true and real.

Stop judging your parenting,


your worth,

your life

based on a moment.”

mom holding both of her kids by steps
Courtesy of Tiffany Yoder

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Tiffany Yoder. You can follow their journey on InstagramFacebook, and her blog. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.


Read more from Tiffany here:

‘Bossy’ Little Girls Grow Up To Be Assertive Women Who Change The World

I Am Not The ‘Fun Parent,’ And I Never Will Be

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