“This year, these are all of the presents we have under our Christmas tree for our children. (Minus the two I couldn’t wrap just yet because I ran out of wrapping paper; eye roll.)
It’s not a lot, and that’s okay. My children have so much already.

They have a house to sleep in. They have food in their bellies.
They have running water. They have nice clothes.
Heck, they even have WiFi for their tablets in the car.
They are blessed well beyond anything we were ever given as children or our parents were given before us.
Trust me. I wanted to buy all the things, all the toys, and overflow the bottom of this tree like a scene from the commercials.
And, if I can be honest, looking at this photo makes me feel a little pitiful, because it’s not a lot.
So that’s why I’m sharing this photograph.
I want this to be a reminder that if your tree looks like this, IT. IS. NOT. PITIFUL.
Your children are probably like mine…
They’re lacking nothing and have everything they need without Christmas.
Let us take a moment to remember the true reason why we celebrate Christmas.
‘The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.’ – Luke 2:11-12
Give your children the biggest gift they will receive in their life, the gift of knowing Jesus Christ was born (if you are religious!).
Save their soul before piling the gifts under the tree.
This year, these are all of the presents we have under our Christmas tree for our children.
It’s not a lot. And that’s okay.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Valarie Reynolds. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Join the Love What Matters family and subscribe to our newsletter.
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Why I’m Celebrating Christmas Early This Year
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