‘I remember crying, ‘I feel like I’m the only person in the world without friends.’ There I was, 24 years old without my tribe. Life hit a total reset.’: Woman urges ‘you will find your people’

“This is for you. Yes, you! The one who feels lonely and alone. Because truth is, although you may feel lonely, you most certainly are not alone.

You see, I was just like you. And I’m here to remind you that, one day, you will find your people.

Growing up, I had many friends. In fact, the entire elementary classroom was my friend. Slowly but surely, middle school came around and everyone broke into cliques. Friends dwindled, but the real ones stayed.

Those friends were part of my life throughout high school. We had countless laughs, heartbreak, and fun memories to last a lifetime. But once college and adulthood came around, some of us went our separate ways.


Some friendships grew toxic, so we decided to call it quits.

Some friendships weren’t really friendships at all.

I felt unseen, my fierce love and loyalty under appreciated and not reciprocated.

I gave too much of myself to too many, and I felt myself withering away emotionally and mentally. Because let’s face it, friends can break your heart too.


There were many tears and a lot of growing up to do, on both of our parts.

So, there I was, 24 years old and without a best friend or my tribe. Life seemed to hit a total reset and I was left feeling lonely, pained, and helpless.

Birthdays were the worst. It was a painful reminder that another year had gone by and I was still alone.

I tried and tried, but friendships never fully flourished. They lived too far away, they already had their tribe and I would always be background noise, or the age gap solidified distance that could never organically be filled.


I spent an entire 3 years petrified by my situation. I remember crying ugly tears to my boyfriend one day saying, ‘I feel like I’m the only 20-something year old in the world without a friend group.’ Like the amazing man he is, he held me tight and said the words I will never forget, ‘I promise, one day, you will find your people.’

I didn’t believe him. But here I am, with the most amazing best friend in the entire world. My unconditional love no longer taken for granted, but cherished.

I may not have my ‘tribe,’ as they call it. But for now, she is all I need. Fate placed her in my path right when I needed her the most.

I write this not to share my success story, but tell you, right in this moment, that you are never alone and there is always hope.


Because when I was in the thick of loneliness, that’s what I needed to hear the most. And I thank God every day for the man in my life who reminded me of just that.

There is nothing wrong with you, my love.

But there is everything you have yet to still give to the world.

You see, I was just like you. And I’m here to remind you that, one day, you will find your people.”


This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Karah of New Orleans, Louisiana. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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‘Life’s too short. Do yourself a favor and weed your circle. Let’s face it. Friends can break your heart, too.’: Woman explains importance of ‘eliminating toxic friendships’


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