How Crafting Helps Develop Fine Motor Skills In Children

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Fine motor skills involve tiny muscles in our wrists and hands to create coordination and movement. Children depend on these skills every day in school and throughout life. Crafting is a fun and engaging way to utilize these skills while creating something magical. With so many options, from beading to woodworking to cutting shapes, Annie’s Kit Clubs will teach your child fine motor skills in no time.

With the Creative Girls Club, your girl will learn to paint, learn to bead and stitch, learn to scrapbook and more! It’s the perfect way to develop fine motor skills.

A few examples of when your child might use fine motor skills include:

  • Coloring, drawing, or writing
  • Typing on a keyboard
  • Cutting with scissors or measuring with a ruler
  • Using a toothbrush

As your child’s fine motor skills develop, they’ll joyfully craft and build on these skills by picking up objects, turning pages in a book and pinching items between their fingers. While doing crafts, children will enhance hand-eye coordination as well as develop manual dexterity. Many crafts involve activities that use your hands and eyes at the same time.

Annie’s Young Woodworkers Kit Club is another great option to develop these skills. These kits introduce a wide variety of woodworking skills including learning to use small screws and nails, become practiced in using sandpaper to round off edges, handling a hammer, learning the importance of making careful measurements, and so much more!

As children learn how objects fit together, they’ll gain a larger perspective on shapes, colors, and textures. A safe, fun, and relaxed environment for crafting will help children learn and grow these critical fine motor skills.

Joan Vertes, an occupational therapist, recommends getting siblings involved with crafting to help improve fine motor skills. “Kids model things for one another, so peer learning is even faster.” Vertes also notes why it’s important so save a broken pencil or crayon. “If kids use a long pencil, they’ll wrap all their fingers around it. But if you give them a small pencil or crayon, they’re more likely to achieve the optimal grip for handwriting.”

Courtesy of Annie’s Kit Clubs

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