“Go visit your high school friends.
The ones who have memories with your Mom and Dad before they left for Heaven and miss them just as much as you do.
The ones who hold your best-kept secrets and swear they will take them to their grave, your worst memories, and your very favorite ones.
The ones who loved you before you became who you are today because they saw you for who you were always and loved you just the same.
The ones who loved you before you became someone’s wife and someone’s Mom, when you were just you.
The ones who make you laugh in a way that nobody else can.

The ones who you don’t have to talk to for years but pick up right where you left off without any guilt trips.
The ones who are rooting for you always, the ones who like all your social media posts, the ones who text you out of the blue just to say, ‘I love you friend.’
The ones who will always call you their best friend.
The ones who hold you close no matter how far away you might live.
The ones who sat up late at night with you in your bedroom holding your tears from a broken heart.
The ones who made life so simple and filled with so much joy.
The ones who remind you of your youth.
The ones who you can talk about the past with, the ones who knew you back then and still love you now.
The ones you don’t have to put on a pretty face to be around, just sweat pants, messy hair, yesterday make up because they’ve already seen you at your worst like the morning after all those sleepovers when you stayed up way too late.
The ones who say you are always welcome here, you always have a place to stay and they mean it.
The ones that don’t come with any pressure or conditions, just a ‘let’s talk when we can’ because they know a part of you is always with them.
The ones that love your babies like their own even if they’ve never met them because they love you so much.

The ones that make your southern accent come back with one conversation.
Go visit those girls, go make a pallet on the floor of that hotel room just like old times and stay up way too late watching movies and talking way too much about everything and nothing.
Go love on them and tell their babies about how you knew their Mom years ago, tell them all the funny stories.
Go visit those girls because they are the ones that will remind you that home is a group of high school friends with timeless memories and that true friendships doesn’t require much but means everything.
And in case you ever feel lost in this big world, those group of girls are the ones that will remind you who you were before the world changed you, they’ll help guide you back to your roots.”

This story was written by Nikki Pennington of Grief To Hope with Nikki Pennington. You can follow them on Facebook, where the article originally appeared, Instagram, and Twitter. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best love stories.
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