“’For every woman unhappy with her postpartum marks, there is one wishing she had them.’ I love this quote.
I once was her, the ‘one,’ waiting, wishing, hoping to be a Mother. Finding out I was finally going to be a Mom was one most incredible feelings. It didn’t matter whether I was going to give birth naturally or have a cesarean (however you do it, you’re amazing). And it didn’t matter that my body was going to change drastically. I was finally going to be a Mom, a Mom to triplets!
And although I never imagined my body would look the way it does now, it represents so much more. There is a lot of extra skin, stretch marks, sag and wrinkles. And while my new Mom body may be hard to love sometimes, it is a new me that represents the power of the female body and the miracle of carrying 3 babies.

I call my postpartum marks my ‘Hope wounds.’ They have taught me a greater meaning of self-love and appreciation for my body. I think it is important to change our Mom body perspectives. There is empowerment for yourself in loving yourself. I am not saying having a new perspective is easy, I am saying it is important. There is so much beauty in our Mom bodies because above all, they represent life, our children, and the undeniable love we have for them. Our postpartum marks are stories of hope, stories of love, and sometimes stories of loss. Some Mama’s out there go home with only scars and no baby in their arms, and I cannot imagine what that feels like. But I will embrace my wounds for myself, and for her too.
For the ‘one’ somewhere wishing, hoping, praying for her miracle, this is for you. For the one who delivered and lost your baby, I know your marks are all you physically have left of your angel. You are strong mama. And to all the Mama’s struggling to love themselves: you’re beautiful, strong, and may you be empowered to love yourself a little more today! Choose to change your perspective because you’re beautiful!”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Desiree Fortin of California. You can follow her journey as a mom of triplets on Instagram. Do you have an empowering mom story to share? We’d love to hear from you. Submit your own story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.
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