‘Cody is homeless. I have not heard from him in weeks now.’: Mom shares heartbreaking, frightening before and after photos of her meth, heroin-addicted son

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“These pictures were taken 7 months apart. That is how fast someone is affected… the face of heroin and meth. This is the reality for so many people and families in this world today.

27 years ago, I gave birth to my oldest son, Cody Bishop. As a first born child, that day forever changed my life into parenthood. He was always an energetic kid. Busy with one sport or another and excelled in everything he did. He kept me on my toes running from one practice to another and teaching me how to be a parent.

Then you grew up and became a Dad yourself to two beautiful daughters and made me a grandma for the first time. For my family and friends who know me, they know my oldest son Cody Bishop is suffering from his addiction. I am hesitant on sharing, but many people ask how things are going – so I feel I should share.

I have learned along this path that so many people and families deal with the same heartache, but just do not talk about it. This is a true issue in our world today that we need to pull together and focus on to fix instead of the government worrying about and spending all their money on throwing each other under the bus.


Cody is homeless in Las Vegas and I have not heard from him in weeks now. Hearing how bad he is doing is hard, but not hearing at all is worse. The unknown is what makes a person not sleep at night.

Jennifer Salfen-Tracy / Facebook

It is hard to understand how someone who has families and children who love and need them live the life they do. I have turned it over to God and pray that he decides he is tired of living like this and wants to come home to get help.

Through social media, I have come across so many great people who have crossed his path over time, through his past rehab. They have a great support team with each other that is amazing, and I appreciate those who have reached out trying to help. I just want to say thank you to those who have talked to him and thank you for all the prayers.

This is not just a problem that my family faces. Almost everyone knows someone who has a drug/heroin addiction. I pray for strength for those suffering and healing for their families and friends.


Let’s get ahold of this issue and help each other. Cody, if you see this, please call us… we love you!”

Jennifer Salfen-Tracy / Facebook

This story was written by Jennifer Salfen-Tracy. The post originally appeared here.  Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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