“There’s really no better way to say it: Sometimes, we all need to just chill out and do nothing.
Take a break from our phones, put down our journals, take a break from self-reflection, and just do nothing.
While my account is centered around working toward healing *from* acne, sometimes doing the work means doing nothing at all.
According to Sue Smalley, Ph.D. and author of Fully Present, ‘Science is starting to show the value of spending time in silence, in nature, and in not engaging in constant external stimulation. We need time doing ‘nothing’ to be our best selves: well-rounded and creative human beings. The ‘doing’ side of our nature needs a ‘being’ side to be in balance.’
Another interesting fact that can help you with mental health – and this may be surprising for some – is allowing yourself to be bored.
Boredom has the ability to enhance creativity and improve mental health.
How so?
Our minds are overloaded with stimulation and information of always ‘doing’ – for many, this can lead to stress, depression, and anxiety.
Taking a break from always being ‘on’ is important in helping your mind to relax.
Allowing yourself to be bored enables thinking, mind-wandering, problem-solving, daydreaming, and imagination.
So how does this relate to healing *from* acne? Because everyone needs a break from doing inner work and healing – people need to just *be* sometimes in order to *become.*
What does doing nothing look like?
- It can look like staring out a window.
- Sitting beneath a tree, in silence, alone with your thoughts.
- Resting your eyes.
- Lying down and staring upward. (If outside, you could stare at the clouds, if inside, you could stare at the ceiling.)
You are not lazy by doing nothing. You are doing yourself – your mind, body, and soul – a huge service by taking a break to sit with yourself and just be.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Wendy Lewis from DFW, Texas. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her website. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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