“263 lbs, I loaded the stroller and walked 3 miles a day. Rain, wind, or shine.”
- Love What Matters
- Trauma & Healing
“263 lbs, I loaded the stroller and walked 3 miles a day. Rain, wind, or shine.”
“It didn’t hit me when my heart rate was at 40 bpm and the doctor called cardiology in a panic. Or when I was freezing cold in the summer heat. Or when I woke up at 3 a.m. every morning, dripping in sweat. I finally realized something was wrong when I stopped loving my dog.”
“I’ve looked at others’ family relationships and wondered, ‘What is that like?’ When Connie expressed how she knew what it was like to have a mother now, it touched me deeply. We’re creating our own family by the heart.”
“Her suspected murderer. The person of interest in her case. Abuser. The last person to see her alive. A fiancé or boyfriend is compassionate, loving, empathetic, and protective. He lost that title.”
“This is real life. These are the parts your Black friends don’t tell you, because we exist in the world you create for us in your head.”
“She may not see your comments, but your loved ones will.”
“I remember waking up the next morning ashamed. I panicked. I wasn’t ready to be done using yet.”
“I got a call one day to take a 5-year-old little girl. Later that day, she walked into my house with a trash bag of clothes. She had head lice, body lice, and pinworms. She’d come from a dirty foster home where she said she was made to lay on the floor.”
“I know you’re tired. I know you’re at your wit’s end. But mama, tonight, take a moment to look down at those babies you made. How beautiful and perfect they are. And tell them that you love them with your whole heart, and you’ll never stop. Not for an instant. No matter what.”
“The doors you opened echo throughout time like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone.”