“Foster care is a lot like a rose garden. These children are worth the wait and effort. They are worth the pin-pricks from the thorns.”
- Love What Matters
- Trauma & Healing
“Foster care is a lot like a rose garden. These children are worth the wait and effort. They are worth the pin-pricks from the thorns.”
“When I think of our foster care journey everything is truly dialectic. It is love and it is frustration, it is depleting and it is rewarding, it is heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once.”
“I couldn’t remember the day my miscarriage happened. I forgot what that baby’s due date was supposed to be. I felt like a terrible person for not remembering the dates of one of the toughest experiences in my life.”
“’Mom. I need a phone. If I have one, I can call you if a shooter comes to my school.’”
“There is life after loss. It is possible to live in the here and now and still honor and respect what was.”
“When people came to visit me they were shocked at how positive I was. I told them that the most important thing was that I made it out alive, not my missing arm.”
“Brycen didn’t know about us until two days before our first visit, to protect him from having high hopes ripped away again. He’d experienced many adults not keeping promises, so he kept questioning if we were really going to adopt him.”
“If these red flags resonate with you, it is time for your partner to get un-enmeshed with their parent.”
“I thought everyone was saying, ‘OMG, there’s Hannah, the insane girl.’ I never felt so depressed and anxious in my life.”
“The energy in the air felt thick—off in some way. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. ‘It must be nerves about the move,’ I rationalized.”