“The next morning, I was certain I could do this.”
- Love What Matters
- Love
- Marriage Advice
“The next morning, I was certain I could do this.”
“We are normalizing EVERYTHING for the sake of our own comfort and to help others feel less alone. But what if we are confusing common for normal?”
“If these red flags resonate with you, it is time for your partner to get un-enmeshed with their parent.”
“He gave me this long, confused, why-would-a-grown-human-do-anything-they-didn’t-want-to-do look like he’d really found some hole in the plot of my life. ‘Because visiting this place isn’t about me. It’s about your mom, and I love her.'”
“Marriage is hard, but remember, love is in the details.”
“After 17 years of marriage, I’ve finally discovered the secret to marriage.”
“They don’t have to spend every paycheck on you, but they should spend their free time with you. They don’t have to bring you flowers every day, but they do have to encourage you to bloom.”
“Of all the investments I’ve made, my marriage is the one I value most.”
“The one thing we never lost during all those hard years was our love for each other. We just now know that love is not enough.”
“I used to be with someone who justified every action of violence as love for me. Someone who justified the crazy behaviors and outrageous outbursts in public as love for me. I was embarrassed and humiliated 98% of the time. And I must say, that type of love was dangerous. That type of love was toxic.”