“Here’s the thing: infertility struggles are SO common, and yet NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT.”
- Love What Matters
- Health
“Here’s the thing: infertility struggles are SO common, and yet NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT.”
“The next time you might be tempted to make a judgmental look or comment, you no longer have the excuse that you didn’t know.”
“She told me the only solution was to lose weight or die.”
“Every single person I met told me about how much my father loved me, and how everything he does is for me.”
“He told me he wants to adopt a child when he gets older to help them.”
“I had waited my whole life to hear those words from my mother. I ached that they came too late for us.”
“No amount of emojis or words can really express what it meant to our family to be welcomed by Jake’s family.”
“I was given the highest gift.”
“There were people running and then there were people confused telling us they heard something about gunshots and shooter.”
“Where would you want to be if you were dying? It’s a morbid question, and emotionally laden, but it’s one that may be asked when you are diagnosed with cancer.”