To The Man With Depression And Anxiety: I See You

“You’ve been told so many times that men are strong. Right from when you were a little boy and you fell over, you were told to get up and brush it off. You were told strong boys don’t cry, they get up and they keep going.”

‘My kids were born addicted to numerous street drugs. Their bio mom, then and now, has chosen addiction over them.’: Same-sex couple take in 3 ‘neglected’ children, long to become a ‘big, permanent part of 5’

“My boy was found by CPS unattended with a full, wet diaper and a bottle of curdled milk. His 4-year-old brother answered the door because their bio mom and her boyfriend were asleep with the door locked. My wife and I have been to every appointment, school function. We tuck them in every night, kiss every boo-too, and love them more every day. But we’re not yet their ‘parents,’ legally. This woman, who has a total of 6 kids, the most recent also born addicted to drugs is their ‘mother.’ We don’t ever plan on stopping until we have officially adopted our babies.”

‘I felt something hit my butt. ‘Do it again,’ I heard someone say. They snickered.’: Woman feels guilt over pressing charges after sexual assault, then demands, ‘I’ll see you in court.’

“Less than a minute later, I felt someone slowly run their fingers over my right butt cheek from the bottom and squeeze. I was wearing a long, velvet skirt – I could feel it all – and the heat of his hand. I pushed him backward and screamed, ‘Don’t you ever touch a woman like that!’ He gave me a dopey face and put his hands up in the air, as if pleading innocence. ‘Come on, it’s a compliment.’ I was hot with anger.”

‘Teachers noticed my 5-year-old making weird movements. ‘It’s all in her head,’ the doctor said.’: Mom demands answers for daughter who has 15 episodes a day of what appears to be seizures, actually is PNKD diagnosis

“Madie continued to have these strange ‘spells’ where her body would paralyze itself. The doctor walked in the room and told me she is making all of this up, and I should take her to a psychiatrist. I made it very clear I was not leaving that room until someone could tell me what was wrong with my daughter.”

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