“Many things do not come naturally for Sebastian, but it appeared as if public speaking was something he had done all of his life.”
- Love What Matters
- Health
“Many things do not come naturally for Sebastian, but it appeared as if public speaking was something he had done all of his life.”
“Sitting in large classrooms started making me nauseous, being on a plane, meeting new people, even baseball. I had no idea what I was dealing with.”
“Your opinion, your religion, your viewpoint does not and should not dictate how others seek and have access to healthcare.”
“When we got off the field, I noticed almost every single mom had bloodshot eyes from crying at that very special moment.”
“Poor sex ed. Costly contraception. Inadequate health care. Poor paying jobs. Ectopic pregnancies with a 99.9% chance of killing the mother if left alone. Miscarriages subject to criminal investigation. Dying of sepsis or blood loss from DIY abortions. Doctors afraid to save their patients’ lives due to the fear of a murder conviction. Foster care systems filling up. Children dying. Who will save us when pro-life ends after birth?”
“As Mother’s Day approaches, I invite you to take a moment to re-imagine the traditional hallmark holiday.”
“When they told us, ‘Most kids that have Type 1 diabetes but don’t know come in unconscious or super sick,’ Asher and I knew we had to start sharing the symptoms. This could happen to anyone of any age.”
“It’s not pretty and it’s not picture perfect. It is raw and it is real.”
“We don’t have to feel like we are failing, unbalanced, or wrong. You are NOT alone.”
“He didn’t withdraw from friends or family. He didn’t talk about wanting to hurt himself. I don’t have any answers, but I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”