“The walls came crashing down and it felt there was no way out. I was in this dark place, but then I remembered the many children I looked after with complex special needs.”

- Love What Matters
- Health
“The walls came crashing down and it felt there was no way out. I was in this dark place, but then I remembered the many children I looked after with complex special needs.”
“Each obituary that resembles a loss like ours ignites the memory of my daughter’s last moments on this earth as she played a mental game of ping pong, wondering if she had any more will left in her to stay.”
“Heartbreak has a unique quality of sharpening. It hurts, but at the same time it reveals the things that are not going wrong – that give a reason for hope.”
“Stop letting your emotions lie to you. You are in control of your mind. Your mind isn’t in control of you.”
“We beat ourselves up immensely for the smallest details our children aren’t even upset about, and yet it’s a never-ending cycle.”
“Finding my birth family made me feel complete and whole because I now have answers to questions I had about myself as a little girl.”
A wedding is always an unforgettable event. For Joci Scott and her husband, the day came with an extra special surprise.
“My social life revolved around drinks. I was known as being the life of the party. It felt as though a big part of my identity was wrapped up in my drinking. Three years later, I have never felt more free in my whole damn life.”
“I was so sick of having epilepsy run my life, that within .5 seconds of my epileptologist asking me if I was up for brain surgery, I didn’t even blink and told him, ‘YES!!!’”
“Even if you feel hopeless, there is hope. Don’t give up on finding a medical professional who will listen to you and advocate for you.”