“Having a traumatic relationship with your mother does not have to define your relationship with your children. There is hope the moment we start to see ourselves for the essence and pure light we are.”
- Love What Matters
- Health
- Health PSA
“Having a traumatic relationship with your mother does not have to define your relationship with your children. There is hope the moment we start to see ourselves for the essence and pure light we are.”
“Depression and anxiety are LOUD if you don’t seek help. I just wanted to quiet the voices.”
“I needed to go into this journey for HEALTH, not because I wanted to look like this person or that person. It has changed my whole perspective. I am happy with my body again, and I am confident again.”
“Living in a malnourished state made me OBSESSED with food. I would spend my spare time walking around supermarkets staring at food, picking food up, and buying food for other people to fill some sort of void.”
“I gulped back tears and explained it wasn’t medically possible. His reply would be my first lesson.”
“It didn’t hit me when my heart rate was at 40 bpm and the doctor called cardiology in a panic. Or when I was freezing cold in the summer heat. Or when I woke up at 3 a.m. every morning, dripping in sweat. I finally realized something was wrong when I stopped loving my dog.”
“I have never been more sure that the biggest war we are facing is one within our minds and hearts.”
“I never thought the ‘pesky problems’ would become an illness. I felt like I was going CRAZY. No one believed me! I can’t control my circumstances, but I CAN control how I handle them.”
“My wife is an ER nurse currently hospitalized in a critical care unit, on the edge of being intubated. Her only downfall was caring too much.”
“Tonight is the last night that I’ll hug my kids goodnight or kiss my husband until god knows when.”