“For a long time, I blamed myself. The signs were right in front of me, I was just oblivious.”
- Love What Matters
- Health
- Disability
“For a long time, I blamed myself. The signs were right in front of me, I was just oblivious.”
“’He’s wearing earmuffs, and it’s warm out so I’m guessing he’s a r*tard.’ Days like these make me realize there is so much work to still be done.”
“If my vision fails, I know I can still play and teach. That is what keeps me going. There is no plan B. There is only this.”
“Society’s expectations for blind and visually impaired people are extremely harmful and outdated.”
“Autism makes you choose things. It makes you look at your life and decide what matters—what you’re willing to work for and sweat for and defend and build. Through all the chatter and the plates and the food, we told this boy that here, in this house with this table and this family, he matters. He matters.”
“Sleeping in hospital chairs, riding with our child in the back of an ambulance, learning to understand a non-verbal child…we wouldn’t change it for anything.”
“Without my label, I wouldn’t have the family, life, and job that I love and I wouldn’t be writing this very article that illuminates it.”
“Realizing that I did not have to hide who I was allowed me to feel pride in everything that made me, me.”
“When my boys got their first powerchairs, I felt immense joy as they sped around the cul-de-sac racing together, but I also felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. How did we get here so fast?”
“You don’t fully fit with other parents. And you don’t fully fit with autistic people either. It feels like you cannot be both.