“I won’t pretend to know more than I do about what’s happening on the other side of the world. But I do know children are having their childhoods ripped from them. And that is NEVER OK in my book.”
- Love What Matters
- Family
“I won’t pretend to know more than I do about what’s happening on the other side of the world. But I do know children are having their childhoods ripped from them. And that is NEVER OK in my book.”
“I didn’t know such a small, seemingly insignificant bug had the power to bring me to tears – but that’s the power of love. She’s been with me all along.”
“On the way up, we passed a skinny young woman wearing a hat where hair is supposed to be. This was the exact moment it hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t fight the tears. I couldn’t talk. Her story, while different and unknown to me, was a look into our future.”
“Love comes in many forms, and I couldn’t think of a greater love story.”
“When you find out there are two babies growing inside of you instead of the standard order you placed for one, you immediately think, ‘How the hell am I going to do this?’ I’m here to say: you will.”
“I quietly closed the door and drew him closer, our sides and knees touching as we both sat against the wall. His head hung low as he shared the lies the voice in his head had been telling him.”
“Surrender is not about throwing in the towel or giving up the fight against this awful disease. I will advocate, care for, and fight alongside my boys until my last breath – but I refuse to let it steal my joy or my hope.”
“My husband and I had been dating for three months before I was diagnosed. We were told if we wanted to start a family, it’d be nearly impossible. She’s definitely a miracle.”
“I laid him down and I noticed his head was turned all the way to his right and his arms were bent up. He looked almost frozen. I told my husband, ‘Ben just did something weird.’ We had seen many pediatricians and they all told me he was healthy. But I knew something wasn’t right.”
“For a long time, I saw this point of my life as the worst chapter, but I was so, so wrong. By her side is exactly where I’m supposed to be.”