“Adoption is a calling, not a backup plan.”
- Love What Matters
- Family
“Adoption is a calling, not a backup plan.”
“Being a mama is questioning every decision made. Being a mama is loving so hard it leaves an ache in your heart. Being a mama is beautiful and brutal.”
“It’s who I am. It’s who I will always be. I’m a mom who worries…and I can’t help it.”
“As a mom of three under three, I did what many mothers before me have done: put my wants and needs in the back seat and buckled them up. I got through each day, crying from one obstacle after another and wondering if I’d ever be able to shower without hearing a baby cry or eat a hot meal again. I was ready to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on a contract to stab my eyes with a fork daily if it meant I was able to feel like a person again.”
“I hope she knows it is a privilege to watch her grow, even though it also breaks my heart. I hope she knows that with every pain, tear, and heartbreak she experiences, I feel it a thousandfold. I hope she knows that she is loved, beyond measure and beyond words.”
“I won’t treat you like a princess forever. Because soon, you’ll be the queen.”
“We completely discredit this mother if we disregard the intent behind her worry. We label her a perfectionist. But the fear of getting it wrong, their children missing out, their needs not being met… it’s the glue keeping it ALL running smoothly.”
“I’ve lost her many times over the years, not just on the day she died. But I’ve also found her, too.”
“Just like every adult person is different, so are pregnancies, babies, toddlers, children, and teens.”
“Her teachers pumped the students up, told them the rules of the egg hunt, and off they went. Once the sidewalk stopped at the rubber mulch, that’s where Mary stopped. Once again, she was at the back of the class, watching everyone else have fun.”