Our Mom Friendship May Be Hard Right Now, But I Don’t Want To Miss Out On This Season Of Life Together

“If you call there is a 99% chance it’ll sound like I’m at a WWE event. Please keep calling. If we venture out in public most of our time will be spent corralling our littles, never actually getting a full sentence in. Please keep visiting. When you text me you’ll likely see three dots that remain for several days until I realize I never actually sent the text. Please keep connecting.”

‘The evaluation read, ‘Keri’s past can best be characterized as chaotic, emotionally inadequate, and abusive.’: Woman details traumatic foster care and adoption, shares healing journey

“In 4 short years, I’d been removed at birth from my mother, placed into foster care, reunified with my birth father, and then placed back into foster care. I’d experienced family separation, failed reunification, abuse, neglect, and had already been named, renamed, and named again.”

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