“There aren’t enough words or gestures to properly thank my mom. I could not do life without her. Literally.”
- Love What Matters
- Family
“There aren’t enough words or gestures to properly thank my mom. I could not do life without her. Literally.”
“I turned off the phone. Stopped going on social media. I sat in the depth of this new despair until one day I crawled out of myself to confess, ‘I’m not okay. I’m not okay. I’m not okay.’”
“I started to see while motherhood has its highs of the smiles, the connection, and the ‘over the moon’ love, it also can have its lows with different challenges, pain, struggle, and worry.”
“I do know this… You are my legacy. You are the very best part of me.”
“I thought I knew him so well, and yet, I didn’t know a dumb old device was keeping him shut away from the world. I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around the many changes that have completely caught me off guard.”
“Sometimes, we SAHMs feel like we do a lot that goes unnoticed, and our work can feel like a thankless job. And sometimes, our husbands might feel the same way.”
“As Mother’s Day rolls toward us and I have foster kids in my care, this holiday can be an especially difficult time for a child separated from their mom. It can be equally difficult for a mother who is separated from her child.”
“I felt guilt and shame as I compared myself to other moms on IG who looked so happy and content at home with their children, but what scared me the most was how badly I wanted to leave.”
“I see you trying to be the calm amongst the storm. I hear you just trying your hardest to be heard.”
“I’m a single mom, yes, but my village is strong, amazing, and the most supportive. I know this baby will be surrounded by so much love, understanding, and diversity. I thank the universe everyday for placing such amazing, wonderful, loving humans in my life exactly when I needed them.”