“Not willing to accept this as my new normal or wait for happiness to just HAPPEN to me, I started being honest with myself and others and decided to depend on the only person that could truly control my happiness… ME.”
- Love What Matters
- Family
“Not willing to accept this as my new normal or wait for happiness to just HAPPEN to me, I started being honest with myself and others and decided to depend on the only person that could truly control my happiness… ME.”
“Foster care is a lot like a rose garden. These children are worth the wait and effort. They are worth the pin-pricks from the thorns.”
“Regardless of your next career move, no one can take your past experience away from you. As long as you know who you are and what’s important to you, you are not throwing ANYTHING away.”
“I know this is not the parenting journey you had imagined when you chose to start a family, but it is the one you were born to do.”
“The restaurant’s phone rang, and I answered the way I would any other call, ‘Thank you for calling Pizza Nea, how can I help you?’ My mother on the other end answered with one word, ‘Emily…’ The tone of the word alone—my name—sent the blood out of my face.”
“When I think of our foster care journey everything is truly dialectic. It is love and it is frustration, it is depleting and it is rewarding, it is heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once.”
“As I sat to the side of the curb, salty drops navigating their way down to my chin, I couldn’t help but think how so much of motherhood is done in the spaces where no one else is. Where it’s just us. All by ourselves. Sometimes crying. Oftentimes praying. All the time loving.”
“A bad day doesn’t make you a bad mom.”
“A 5-day old baby was placed into my arms. I was only 22 years old but, at that moment, my life as I knew it changed. I fell in love.”
“We are no longer shielding our kiddo from school shootings. If children his age are dying, he deserves to know what he’s up against.”