“After two years of tears and frustration, Titus tied his shoes because of a young man named Jay Jay who took the time to teach a little man that he could do it. I snapped a few pictures with tears in my eyes.”

- Love What Matters
- Family
“After two years of tears and frustration, Titus tied his shoes because of a young man named Jay Jay who took the time to teach a little man that he could do it. I snapped a few pictures with tears in my eyes.”
“Soak up all the spare minutes and memories you can. They’ll only be a teen for a short time, but they’ll be your baby forever.”
“I exist somewhere between a past I can’t reconcile with a future I don’t want to face. I see you in the stars and in the daisies that you send our way. Not a second goes by I don’t think of you.”
“My stepdaughter’s appearance has always been beautiful and unique. But to her, it was also an often-painful reminder to herself and the world that she was in fact, the outsider in our blended family.”
“Three years ago, I had a son. And life was never the same.”
“There’s no prize for the mom who took their child to the most museums. Or still has awesome abs. Or became a CEO while raising two babies.”
“I’m supposed to work like I don’t have kids. But, I do have kids. Three of them. Which is why I have to work so much.”
“Episode after episode, I was tired of waking up in fear of what I’d done the night before. I was tired of playing roulette with my life. Today, I have a 2.5-year-old daughter who has NEVER seen me drink. Do you know how proud that makes me?”
“At the dinner table, I asked Gina and Bill if I could call them mom and dad. Mom started crying and said, ‘OF COURSE YOU CAN, we would love nothing more than to be your parents!’ We decided to make it official. I proudly signed my name on the line next to theirs.”
“The ones who should have loved me couldn’t. But the ones that DID, couldn’t have loved me better.”