‘They tell us, ‘It’s like nothing you’ve ever known. Trust me.’ We smile politely and worry again about the fear of failing.’: New mom shares motherhood journey, ‘They were right’

“But one night, after sweat, tears, and pain, we are there. Experiencing the rush of our hearts separating from our bodies and arriving as a tiny human—suddenly free in this giant world. A piece of our souls, breathing the same air, thumping its own heart, but still needing us.”

mom with her baby on her chest and breastfeeding the child

4 Ways To Prioritize YOU During Your Postpartum Journey

“I won’t be curling my hair, putting on a lot of makeup, showering every day, or having clothes without breastmilk spilled all over them. But I also won’t be beating myself up for missing some unrealistic expectation of having it all together in those first few days.”

Woman struggling with infertility looks forlorn with her head in her hands

I Want To Conceive, But I Don’t Want To Keep Trying

“My body is exhausted, my mind feels lost, and my spirit has been continually crushed. Month after month we try so hard, but are still left with nothing more than a handful of negative tests. Yet, I still can’t get myself to give it all up and quit.”

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