“I’ll never have another moment like this one. Never another newborn in a swaddle, keeping me awake and slightly insane. Crazy, but oh so in love.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
- Toddlers
“I’ll never have another moment like this one. Never another newborn in a swaddle, keeping me awake and slightly insane. Crazy, but oh so in love.”
“Her first shot on eight feet ever! For her, a trick shot!”
“I want a life where there is balance; a life where I can raise humans and also be one.”
“And I don’t mean the days of early rising and late-night feedings. The thousands of diaper changes, the mountainous loads of laundry, or the temper tantrums.”
“There is nothing I’d rather do than be a mother. But, it makes me more tired than anything else in the world.”
“We have an incredible opportunity to raise a generation of good guys. When things seem dark, and everything is filled with hate and pain and divisiveness, I look at you.”
“‘Look, everyone else is having fun.’ Little does she know.”
“The age on my birth certificate means nothing to my children. It should mean nothing to you.”
“Imagine being two. Everything feels big. Everyone tells mom that it’s terrible. Everyone says it’s best to ignore, be strong, be firm. But she doesn’t.”
“You CAN be what your children need.”