“Those frail little boys have learned to ride bikes, scooters, skateboards. Our commitment to them is as if I had given birth to them. There is no difference in our love for them.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“Those frail little boys have learned to ride bikes, scooters, skateboards. Our commitment to them is as if I had given birth to them. There is no difference in our love for them.”
“I needed to go into this journey for HEALTH, not because I wanted to look like this person or that person. It has changed my whole perspective. I am happy with my body again, and I am confident again.”
“I had always wanted someone who would love my son like their own and here I had a man who wanted my son to stand next to him on the biggest day of his life. This wedding wasn’t going to just be a union of two people, but an official union of our family.”
“Some don’t have parents, live with a grandparent, or are young parents themselves. It’s a tear-jerker because it makes me so happy to change their lives.”
“I learned very early on with having kids I could no longer ‘wing it’ for meals.”
No eye was left dry.
“I realize that although that word can sometimes carry with it feelings of frustration and exhaustion, it’s a precious gift that I will never take for granted. They will always need me. They will always love me. They will always depend on me.”
“Treating people right is about kindness and respect, not male or female. Raising children is about love and commitment, not mother or father.”
“I texted my mom. ‘We can have the kids,’ she replied. It was time to finally let go of my past experiences with love and open myself up again.”
“We entered into the adoption of our daughter the way birth mom wanted – a fully closed adoption. She knew she could not safely care for her baby with the life she was living, but her heart was hurting. In my heart, I knew we needed a plan C.”