“Unwashed hair, two day old pajamas, and an unmade bed.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“Unwashed hair, two day old pajamas, and an unmade bed.”
“Once I moved past the guilt, independent play became an indispensable tool for me to get work done during the day and to allow my child’s imagination and independence to flourish.”
“Because nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is going to prepare you for what you are about to see.”
The most magical place on earth just got even more magical.
“Until one day I realized, ‘Like hell I did nothing!’ I am raising two AMAZING human beings. I kept this house together from the moment we bought it. And I looked death in the face and said, ‘Not today. Maybe someday, but NOT TODAY.'”
“In our society, a mother suffers guilt no matter what she does. If you listen to everyone else, you’re always going to fall short.”
“No matter how much time passes, as our babies turn into kids, and then teens, and eventually adults, we will continue to stare. Time ceases to exist, and every single worry, all the bad in this world, blurs into the background like an unfocused photograph.”
“I want them to remember when I taught them to ride a two-wheeler. And that I practiced their spelling words with them every single morning. I want them to think of fun zoo trips and every single Muffins With Mom event at school.”
“Her diagnosis sent us reeling, but we decided we wouldn’t define Shaina by her condition but by her sunshine personality.”
“I want his chubby toddler arms around my neck, his contagious giggles. I want him to blow me a kiss from his bed. I want his grass-stained pants and scabby knees. I want his sunshine smile.”