“Today I broke down. No one should have to see their child like this.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“Today I broke down. No one should have to see their child like this.”
“When the thoughts of suicide and self-harm came, I remember laying on my bathroom floor thinking about the letter I would write to my son.”
“I’ll be cleaning buttercream out of the floorboards for months but I reckon it was 100 percent worth it.”
“I shared because in all of the mysteries of reproduction and childbirth, this made sense to me.”
“Some children are self-conscious about their reading skills, and the animals never judge them. The animals patiently listen to the campers.”
“I had multiple panic attacks while locked in the closet. She reiterated many times that I would be safe and she won’t let anything happen to me.”
“We’ve thought about and prayed for this day for almost two years.”
“The day of Jack’s surgery was, by far, one of the worst of my entire life.”
“I remember thinking there was no way we’d get them both to cooperate, but lo and behold, magic!”
“I want to say that I fell in love with you the moment I discovered I was pregnant; I didn’t.”