“To all the future moms out there – I see you, and others see you. We know your pain, and we feel your hope. Don’t give up.”

- Love What Matters
- Children
“To all the future moms out there – I see you, and others see you. We know your pain, and we feel your hope. Don’t give up.”
“As we were preparing to leave he told us to hold on a minute. Silence. Excuse me? Did I just hear you correctly? Say that again please…”
“I promised myself that if I made it home alive, I’d never sleep on the ground again.”
“It was like as soon as she realized the tooth fairy wasn’t real, she got a dose of the hormone fairy which WAS real, and let me tell you – the hormone fairy is a jerk, too.”
“I felt like a monster. What kind of mother wouldn’t want to hold her own child?”
“I was privy to a photo taken of you without your permission.”
“Asher has a disease. When school started, he had very limited speech.”
“He was given the prognosis of ‘probably never being able to walk, talk, or become a productive member of society.’ What does that even mean? I can’t think of a fate worse than those cold words.”
“I remember chunks of hair falling onto my pillow. My body transformed. It took a while to look in the mirror and see my naked face with no eyebrows, yellow eyes. Sometimes I wondered if I’d ever feel better. Then afterwards, it all hits you like a train and you sit there and literally think to yourself, ‘What the heck did I just go through and how in the world did we do it?’ Life after cancer is not easy. One side effect of chemo? Infertility.”
“From the moment I saw his little tiny self laying in that bed, I knew—that was my baby.”