“I am strong and I’m fighting anxiety daily. I am learning more about myself and my needs as a mom. I am brave. And I am not alone.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“I am strong and I’m fighting anxiety daily. I am learning more about myself and my needs as a mom. I am brave. And I am not alone.”
“When parents talk about a wide range of emotions, kids learn to understand their own emotions and those of other people.”
“She says she wants more nice photos of herself and the boys. I guess she just wants to be part of the story too… And she deserves to be part of the story. She’s the BIGGEST part of the story.”
“Grief snuck up on me, grabbing me from behind, suffocating me. I closed my eyes, familiar with this feeling. I’ve been dancing with grief for 12 years and it still consumes me when I least expect it, spinning me out of control.”
“My sister-in-law, was with me at the appointment where they told me I wouldn’t be able to have children. She told me she felt God telling her that she would help us start a family. She reached out and told us she wanted to volunteer as a surrogate for us.”
“Though she may be little, she is fierce.”
“I sat in my car and cried that day for a long time. I cried for the child, for the loss, and for the pain of that family. I cried for all of us who spent so much time trying to save that child, and I cried for myself, and for the very real pain I was feeling.”
“Until that afternoon, Naomi and I had never met – but she knew who I was. Even though we have a 17 year age gap, we already had many common life experiences: Stranger’s uncomfortable stares. Unkind comments. Medical treatments.”
“He didn’t guarantee a successful pregnancy, but it was worth a try. I had seen so many negative pregnancy tests in the past that it was almost impossible for me to see the positive in this one. ‘Triplets, you are having triplets!’ And then he says, ‘the fourth sac will probably vanish since I didn’t hear a heartbeat.’”
“Never could I have prepared myself for explaining to her it is okay to be sad, it is okay to cry and to be mad. And it is okay that your heart hurts.”