“Today he is high again, and today we start all over. And, today I will do what I have always done: pray, hope, and not give up.”

- Love What Matters
- Children
“Today he is high again, and today we start all over. And, today I will do what I have always done: pray, hope, and not give up.”
“My body still felt pregnant even though I had already been bleeding, and I just felt weird. I decided to call my good friend who works at another OBGYN. The next day they told me I needed to come in right away for an ultrasound because my pregnancy levels came back at 30,000. They didn’t know if there was a twin, a pregnancy located somewhere else, or what it was.”
“My world came to a crashing halt. Did she just use my own phrase against me? It stopped me in my tracks. She was right, after all. I was being so mean to them and I never realized it.”
“When I walked in, she began to cry. The cry of a child, just 18, who was losing something she wanted.”
“My daughter is herself, and for now, prefers clothes in the boy’s section at Old Navy.”
“Please help me find my family…”
“The nurses assured me it must’ve been an accident since I had no pain. I listened and didn’t think anything of it. Huge mistake. Not 24 even hours later, I was delirious with a fever and untreated ruptured sac. Once again, alone at the hospital, I had to deliver my babies and say goodbye. I lost not one, but all three of my triplets.”
“This time of year gets overwhelming. I might be frazzled. But from the aisles of Target, I can tell I am not alone in this. This stage of life is not for the weak.”
“I want you to know what it is like to live free… moving through your day not having to worry about what you are missing, about where your phone is, about what is happening in Fortnite.”
“”The man on the right is my dad; the man on the left is my stepdad. When the preacher asked who was giving me away, they both grinned big, pointed at one another and exclaimed, ‘He does!’”