“Nervous about them crying to needing changed? Don’t be! That’s what kids do, girl. I am not bothered by you raising your child!”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“Nervous about them crying to needing changed? Don’t be! That’s what kids do, girl. I am not bothered by you raising your child!”
“Against my better judgment and while also trying to drown out the ‘stranger danger’ chant in my head I allowed him in. Then there was the knock that changed everything.”
“I did not get into this journey to build a family, but to provide a home. Some of my kids have found their forever homes here, and some just needed us for awhile.”
“’Do you want to go see your dad?’ With her eyes swollen and her cheeks puffy from crying, she nodded. Once again, we didn’t have anything to leave behind. Then, there it was. I don’t doubt for one second he put it there to make sure we knew he was sending her a hug.”
“‘Um, wait. What?’ We learned we’d been wildly misinformed about where Taylor was. She never went back to her mom like we were told. Instead, she went to 3 MORE foster homes, including one that lost their license for abusing children. Our frustration and anger with the system ran deep. We were here, ready, available and waiting for her. We didn’t understand how this could possibly happen.”
“It had been months since Abigail and I had danced. She’s been in pain and tired so long and as time passes she is seemingly frailer.”
“My husband and I woke up to find this note on our counter one morning, written by the 12-year-old boy who was living with us. I have carried this note in my purse for a long time, so I could take it out and re-read it on the hard days. There’s also a letter with ‘Youth Correctional Center’ in the return address, tear-stained, begging us not to give up.”
“Because of someone else’s selfish decision to get behind the wheel impaired, mine and my kids’ lives are forever changed. I can’t grow old with the man I was supposed to spend forever with and my kids have to grow up without their amazing father.”
“The tears began to well up as I spoke to the staff, thinking about my two triplets who passed away within two months of birth. A strange sense of peace swept over me.”
“I didn’t know that night, as we rocked back and forth in that cozy, worn rocker that it would be the last time I rocked you to sleep.”