Our Mom Friendship May Be Hard Right Now, But I Don’t Want To Miss Out On This Season Of Life Together

“If you call there is a 99% chance it’ll sound like I’m at a WWE event. Please keep calling. If we venture out in public most of our time will be spent corralling our littles, never actually getting a full sentence in. Please keep visiting. When you text me you’ll likely see three dots that remain for several days until I realize I never actually sent the text. Please keep connecting.”

How I Found My Identity Again (After Completely Losing Myself In Motherhood)

“As a mom of three under three, I did what many mothers before me have done: put my wants and needs in the back seat and buckled them up. I got through each day, crying from one obstacle after another and wondering if I’d ever be able to shower without hearing a baby cry or eat a hot meal again. I was ready to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on a contract to stab my eyes with a fork daily if it meant I was able to feel like a person again.”

I Hope She Knows How Hard I Try To Be A Good Mom

“I hope she knows it is a privilege to watch her grow, even though it also breaks my heart. I hope she knows that with every pain, tear, and heartbreak she experiences, I feel it a thousandfold. I hope she knows that she is loved, beyond measure and beyond words.”

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