“I noticed a tall teenaged boy there and thought it was strange considering he looked too young to be a dad. Then it hit me.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“I noticed a tall teenaged boy there and thought it was strange considering he looked too young to be a dad. Then it hit me.”
“If you call there is a 99% chance it’ll sound like I’m at a WWE event. Please keep calling. If we venture out in public most of our time will be spent corralling our littles, never actually getting a full sentence in. Please keep visiting. When you text me you’ll likely see three dots that remain for several days until I realize I never actually sent the text. Please keep connecting.”
“I read it again. ‘A best friend you can have sex with,’ and then flipped to the inscription ‘How great is that?’ I thought about joining witness protection or calling my daughter in sick for the rest of the year so I didn’t have to face her teacher.”
“I will never forget the friend who brought me home-cooked meals or the friends and family who came by in the first stages when I was feeling so vulnerable and it would have been easier to stay away.”
“They don’t need to win a trophy. They don’t need to be the best. They don’t even need to be any good at it. It’s OK to have a hobby, just to have a hobby.”
“It’s popular right now to ‘raise kind humans’ and to be inclusive— but true inclusivity means learning about people who are different from us and letting it change the way we live.”
“Being a mama is questioning every decision made. Being a mama is loving so hard it leaves an ache in your heart. Being a mama is beautiful and brutal.”
“It’s who I am. It’s who I will always be. I’m a mom who worries…and I can’t help it.”
“As a mom of three under three, I did what many mothers before me have done: put my wants and needs in the back seat and buckled them up. I got through each day, crying from one obstacle after another and wondering if I’d ever be able to shower without hearing a baby cry or eat a hot meal again. I was ready to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on a contract to stab my eyes with a fork daily if it meant I was able to feel like a person again.”
“I hope she knows it is a privilege to watch her grow, even though it also breaks my heart. I hope she knows that with every pain, tear, and heartbreak she experiences, I feel it a thousandfold. I hope she knows that she is loved, beyond measure and beyond words.”