“Suddenly what once felt like my biggest failure, was actually our biggest blessing.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“Suddenly what once felt like my biggest failure, was actually our biggest blessing.”
“When I saw Weston’s hand and put my finger in his tiny palm, I knew I was the perfect fit to be his mom.”
“I held her during my ‘golden hour’ and quietly cried small tears from the corners of my eyes. Guilt consumed me.”
“Some days I’m exhausted by the messes, the arguments, and the constant work it takes to be a mother. Motherhood is easy to cherish on the good days, but what about the days where you feel depleted?”
“Intentional motherhood is about choosing to live the life you want, not the life you think society expects of you. It’s a wonderful way to live, if you ask me.”
“Jarrod isn’t a very emotional child, so him crying when we hugged Josiah really got me.”
“It’s knowing what time to roll sleepy kids out of bed and who wants mayonnaise and the exact location of those lost shoes every single time. It’s keeping track of picture day and our turn to have the class hamster and which Saturday to bring soccer treats. It’s remembering favorite colors and favorite meals and shoe sizes. And if the tiny details of childhood matter to them, then they matter so much to me.”
“Sometimes I get so lost in my own stress and frustration that I forget my kids can have those big, scary feelings too.”
“Outdoor play doesn’t need to stop once the sun sets.”
“Let’s stop being too proud to be vulnerable about our struggles. What if your story encourages another mom to get back up after a hard day? What if your mistakes give another mother hope?”