“I was terrified the entire pregnancy we would lose her just like we lost Jasmine.”
- Love What Matters
- Children
“I was terrified the entire pregnancy we would lose her just like we lost Jasmine.”
“I don’t know how to be in a blended family any more than you do. I know I’m not the best at communicating my feelings, but I need you to know I am doing the very best I can.”
“We sat outside on a cement bench for what felt like another hour before making the impossible decision to go home. Home without our first child, our sweet baby boy. Home with only a plastic bag representing our time with him.”
“Last night I opened up a gallery of family photos my firstborn chose to be a part of. I scrolled through candid snapshots of a vacation she wanted to be at. I watched videos of her, fully comfortable existing within our home, and I wept.”
“Because our children need so much from us, that feeling of ‘am I doing enough’ always seems to be at the forefront.”
“Our babies will always need us, just as we will always need them. It’s hard to let go, but all the sweeter when they choose to come home.”
“Not only is this vital to their mental health and development, but it is the only way they will ever be able to truly love and accept themselves for who they are.”
“When she asked me how I was, I told her, ‘Linda, I’m tired.’ And that’s when she said, ‘I got you, Baby.'”
“Your job is not to fix your child or their problems, but you can let them know you are right there with them and together you’ll find healthy ways to cope.”
“There’s that saying, everything happens for a reason. Well, I hate that saying. In fact, I despise it. It gave me no comfort at all. But the idea I could create something positive from this was comforting. So, that’s what I did.”