‘I was terrified to take this tiny human home! How was I going to do this all alone? But Jager was always there to lend a helping paw.’: New mother relies on service dog to help her through postpartum depression

“I would cry for what seemed like no reason. I would get so overwhelmed at the sound of my baby crying. Jager fetched bottles for me, diapers if I asked him to. Mostly he would just sit and listen to me. Always offering a good old-fashioned, wet, slobbery kiss if I needed it. He is so much more than just a dog to me.”

‘It was positive. I was terrified. I started shaking and then crying.’: Woman overcomes years of infertility to conceive beautiful baby boy

“I spent the next two years convincing myself I didn’t want a baby anymore. I became obsessed with puppies to fill the void. I had to pet and hug every dog I saw. I looked at puppies on the internet at work. I needed a puppy. The day after I brought our new puppy home, I realized I was late again for my period. I mentioned it to my husband and he replied, ‘You’re always late.’”

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