As a Digital Editor of Love What Matters, I'm here to pull on your heartstrings and make you smile. After spending nearly six years as a Digital Reporter for ABC News' "Good Morning America," I'm thrilled to continue sharing touching and inspiring stories that the world is so craving. We can all use more love in our lives -- now you've found the perfect place to get it.
‘I was 15 years old and had been caught.’: Woman overcomes eating disorder and surprise pregnancy
“I know how you’re doing it,’ she whispered, then laughed and walked away. I locked myself in the bathroom while my he pounded on the door, begging me to let him in. I wouldn’t. I couldn’t believe what I was staring at. My heart pounded, and my mind raced. Was this real? Was it a faulty test? My baby was so tiny, but he or she was there, in my belly.”
‘My husband waited up for me. He told me he wanted a divorce. ‘I’m tired of doing what everyone expects me to do.’ He had enough.’: Woman stunned by husband’s request for divorce
“Surprised, I sat down on the couch. He somberly turned off the TV and leaned forward in his seat. Hands folded, and eyes down, he told me he had something he needed to tell me. I’d never seen him so serious.”
‘Come back to me, please. I love you.’ Her lips turned the darkest shade of blue. I was paralyzed.’: Mom mourns loss of baby girl, says rainbow baby ‘brings the sun back out for me’
“I was on my knees praying to God to save my baby. No mother should ever have to see their babies open chest cavity. My daughter died in my arms as I sang, ‘You are my Sunshine.’ I had to find a way to survive.”
‘Ewww put that away. I’ll never get stretchmarks like that when I’m pregnant.’ It was such a personal attack – feelings of shame and disgust had me cringing at my husband’s touch.’
“I was left curled up on the couch in the fetal position. I remember grabbing my thighs and crying to my husband, ‘How am I so big already? How could I possibly get any bigger?’ My 3-year-old son asked, ‘Mama, what’s wrong with your belly?’”
‘She came running into the house screaming. ‘What? What is it?’ She pointed to the open front door. ‘Daddy. The bird.’: Widow’s late husband tries to appease daughter, ‘Nothing is broken forever’
“I didn’t know what happened, but I knew something was wrong. She buried her head into my neck sobbing. ‘Outside.’ All the color drained from my husband’s face as he stood next to a ladder on the front porch, holding something in his hand.”
‘Get down!’ Oh my God, people are really dying here.’: Man’s harrowing first-person perspective from Las Vegas mass shooting, is ‘resilient’ now after PTSD
“I wanted to speak to my mom in case I didn’t make it out. ‘Mom, there is a shooter here, we are on the floor, please stay on the phone with me.’”
‘I wish I could prepare you for the news you’ll receive just hours after snapping this blissful picture. I know you’ve been worried about the size of your happy baby’s belly.’
“He’s such a happy, calm baby. He’s never been sick, so you know there has to be an easy solution to whatever is causing his belly to appear big… A simple solution that may bring a few small moments of fear and discomfort, but after that, all will be fine.”
‘Shotgun!’ Travis got in the front and Isaac got in behind me. They both fell asleep on the ride home. The next thing I remember is waking up in excruciating pain.’: Man shares how he chose not to remain in the ‘victim mentality’
“In one second, I became the kid from the accident. The boy whose brother died. To the prosecutor, I was the delinquent child who murdered his brother. The guy who survived the wreck that killed his brother.”
‘Through screaming, I coded at 1:25 p.m. 5 minutes later, my son was born not breathing. He was bagged and taken for CPR.’: Mom births baby with rare apert syndrome
“The next thing I knew I felt like I was drowning. I could hear codes being called as my birth got harder to take.‘He’s not fatal, but we have no idea what’s wrong.’ He had 10 fingers and 10 toes, but they were fused together. A first-time mom, I feared I was going to break him. Every irrational fear went through my mind.”
‘I woke up feeling ‘different.’ I sat shaking with a pregnancy test in my hands. Two pink lines.’: Woman suffering from ‘stomach paralysis’ meets new love, has ‘miracle’ baby
“He was just gone. I came home one night to the apartment my boyfriend and I shared to find everything was missing. He terminated our lease and emptied our joint bank account. I had less than a month to find a new place to live, no savings, and I was having surgery in a week. I didn’t think I could go on without him.”