Eliza Murphy

Eliza Murphy

As a Digital Editor of Love What Matters, I'm here to pull on your heartstrings and make you smile. After spending nearly six years as a Digital Reporter for ABC News' "Good Morning America," I'm thrilled to continue sharing touching and inspiring stories that the world is so craving. We can all use more love in our lives -- now you've found the perfect place to get it.

‘She sat next to her dying father, her best friend, and grabbed his hand. She whispered in his ear it was ‘ok to go.’ She would be alright. He could stop being in pain.’

“With her hair in a ponytail and her face stained with tears, she pet his hair while he gasped for air. She put a cross in his hand when she knew he was never coming back. She kissed him on the cheek and uttered ‘goodbye.’ She sat with him for an hour after he stopped breathing, making sure he was not alone.”

‘Why me? How did I get black and white twins? I waited for someone to tell me there was a mixup.’: Mom births twins after 8-year fertility struggle, one with albinism, ‘She’s perfect to me in every way’

“The first time I saw her, I wondered if the nurse was handing me my baby, or someone else’s. I waited a few seconds for someone to tell me there was a mix up. ‘She’s so beautiful,’ the nurse said. My husband was also in denial, but reality was staring us in the face.”

‘When we got the news death was coming soon, I was driving us home. I started crying, and couldn’t stop. He held me on the side of the interstate. Then HE took over driving.’: Widow recalls the ways late husband showed her ‘real love’

“Every time the hospice people asked if they could do anything for him, he would answer that he was only worried about me, his wife. I tried not to cry, because he wanted his last days to be happy and without tears. Then, I opened his work bag and found it.”

‘My boyfriend screwed the windows and doors shut while I was sleeping. I made a split-second decision to throw myself backwards out the window to get away.’: Woman escapes boyfriend in ‘meth-induced psychosis,’ gets clean in ‘trauma-based recovery’

“I woke up and realized something was wrong. I went out into the living room and the look on his face was that of a monster. I tried in vain to get away from him until I eventually found myself pinned between the bed and the wall. The police found him hours later with no recollection of what happened.”

‘She was HIV+ and we knew she was our daughter. She was absolutely perfect, but her oversized clothes hung loosely on her tiny, frail body.’: Couple adopt HIV+ daughter, now pregnant with ‘miracle’ baby

“We were looking for a child with HIV. When we learned she was positive, we KNEW she was the one. She was 2 years old and only weighed 15 pounds. I started seeing a trauma counselor. James learned how to breathe in public again, knowing no one was coming after us. Then BAM – Morning sickness!”

‘He should get his affairs in order.’ My heart stopped. WHAT? My biggest fear and worst nightmare had come true. ‘I don’t want to put you all through this,’ he said.’: Wife loses husband after his brain tumor returns

“I was at home when I got a call from my husband. He was at the hospital, and then he said the 4 words I never expected to hear. ‘The tumor came back.’ My heart pounded. ‘Okay, what now? What do we do?’ I was furiously texting my mother-in-law, ‘It’s not good.’ I just wanted it to stop. I couldn’t believe what was happening.”

‘I went into my son’s room to wake him. I could sense something wasn’t right. I remember the pallor of his face as I turned him over. Grey. Porcelain.’: Mom loses rainbow baby to SIDS, ‘The darkness is worth telling; without it, there would not be light’

“I screamed my husband’s name. ‘His stomach is warm!,’ I said out loud. I fell over my baby’s body. Air escaped his throat in a tiny wheeze that sounds like a coo. ‘He made a noise!’ Their faces fell. ‘It’s from the CPR.’ ‘It happens.’ They were trying not to fall apart.”

‘I have something to tell you.’ He was rubbing his hands together nervously. I looked him in the eyes. ‘You can tell me anything.’ My brain couldn’t process it.’: Woman loses husband to cancer after he’d already beat it once

“I sat back in my seat and thought I must have misheard him. I said, ‘Oh, but you’re fine, right?’ As if you are ever fine after this diagnosis. ‘No.’ He drew back and smiled the biggest, most beautiful smile. He knew. We both knew.”

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