As a Digital Editor of Love What Matters, I'm here to pull on your heartstrings and make you smile. After spending nearly six years as a Digital Reporter for ABC News' "Good Morning America," I'm thrilled to continue sharing touching and inspiring stories that the world is so craving. We can all use more love in our lives -- now you've found the perfect place to get it.
‘It’s just cells. Don’t beat yourself up over it.’ That was it. I was sent on my merry way to mourn the loss of my child.’: Woman delivers rainbow baby after losing 7 children
“I remember crawling to the bathroom feeling like a knife was running its way from my navel down, unbeknownst to me that I was even pregnant. I remember sitting there thinking, ‘I’m going to be one of those people on that TV show ‘I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant’. Then, I felt the release of my dead baby. The ER doctor told me, ‘Oh, use a heating pad for any pain.’ That’s it. No follow up, no resources available, just use a heating pad.”
‘It hasn’t just changed my body, but my entire outlook on life’: Once depressed woman loses 110 pounds with self love, kickboxing
“I was terrified to take photos with friends, scared to be seen ANYWHERE during summer in a bathing suit, scared to go to amusement parks because I didn’t fit on rides. I was avoiding everything because of my weight.”
‘Last week was one of the most difficult weeks for me as a mom in my mental health journey. It was my husband’s first week back at work since being home all summer.’
“The day came. We all walked Ryan out and waved goodbye as he drove off in his beat up Corolla. And then it was just me and the triplets.”
I Met The Love Of My Life In My Dreams, And Then I Married Him (Yes, Really)
“I was single and hadn’t dated for 10 years. ‘Where did he come from?!’ I kept hearing. When I looked back at my journal, I wrote about the qualities I prayed for in my future husband. I cried as I flipped through the pages. It was so clear.”
‘In one swift moment, I will be forced to let go. I will loosen the white-knuckle grip on my son’s childhood, and let him go.’
“Today, after an emotional tantrum, my 5-year-old son curled up in my lap and buried his head in the crook of my neck. I felt his pain and sadness laying over me in a blanket of emotions, and I found myself crying too.”
‘We see them waving goodbye. Every feeling I have is exposed. On one side, my aging parents, on the other, my youngest child crossing the ocean. I am a mess.’
“How do I let you go? How do I get back on a plane without you? How do I accept the reality that this is your beginning, and my end?”
‘These are so cool!’ She was holding a fanny pack. Yes, a fricking fanny pack!’ Mom’s HYSTERICAL shopping excursion with teenage daughter
“One thing I didn’t do as a kid was shop at Victoria’s Secret. If you wanted anything but a 6-pack of undies from Sears, you had to convince your mom to drive you to ‘Frederick’s of Hollywood,’ which wasn’t happening in my house. Well, now they have ‘Pink.'”
‘I suddenly wake up, gasping for air. My pillow is soaking wet. My mind is racing a mile a minute. It won’t calm down.’
“Thoughts creep into my mind, reminding me how many people don’t have to experience these feelings.”
‘His greatest struggle is what others think of him.’: Foster mom on getting her ‘trauma-triggered’ children back to school
“I watched as he spent several minutes deciding where to sit in his new classroom. We are working to help him feel confident. This kid has a heart bigger than the moon.”
‘Gunner was born a happy, healthy, beautiful baby boy. And we all lived happily ever after. I wish.’: Mom overcomes years of addiction to regain custody of son
“Did I mention I was dating another drug dealer? No? Oh, I was dating another drug dealer. You can possibly guess what happens next right? ‘I’m pregnant. I wanted to abort the pregnancy, so I could continue using as much as my selfish little body could handle, and I didn’t want a baby making it any more difficult. Hey, we’re trying to be honest here, right? Don’t judge me yet.”