As a Digital Editor of Love What Matters, I'm here to pull on your heartstrings and make you smile. After spending nearly six years as a Digital Reporter for ABC News' "Good Morning America," I'm thrilled to continue sharing touching and inspiring stories that the world is so craving. We can all use more love in our lives -- now you've found the perfect place to get it.
‘Why God? She’s innocent. She’s only 6 months old!’ Thoughts of guilt flooded my mind. How could I possibly want to bring another child into this world so soon after losing my daughter?
“I wish I never had gone home. Around 2 a.m. we received a call from the hospital. I knew something was terribly wrong.”
‘I finally got the words out, ‘I DON’T WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE!’ I grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen, filled my hand and swallowed. I’ll never forget the look on her face.’: 4 years after suicide attempt, woman says she’s a ‘new person’
“The last message she sent to me read, ‘You don’t matter anyways, maybe you should just disappear.’”
‘Trisomy 18.’ ‘Incompatible with life.’ ‘Why would anyone want a baby like that?’ I didn’t understand how the baby so full of life within me could be THAT sick.
“She was so beautiful in her ultrasounds, yet the doctors would only tell me about how ‘scary’ she would look.”
‘I knew she was ready to go. She had done her job, and done it well.’ Firefighter says tearful farewell to his ‘best friend’ Dalmatian therapy dog
“In her final moments, I held my girl one last time and looked at her big brown eyes to tell her how much I loved her.”
‘Did I really experience that or was it a dream? The pastor asks, ‘Have you had any problems with your pregnancy?’ I reply ‘NO.’’
“Immediately I call my husband. I asked him to meet me at the hospital (still no tears and I don’t understand). The lady informs me my baby boy died 3 days ago.”
‘I had my first alcoholic drink at the age of 10. I deployed to Afghanistan in 2015. I drank to calm my nerves. The drinking kept escalating.’
“I returned to the States. I started drinking even more. My marriage was falling apart. When I woke up from the coma, I was still hallucinating. The VA had no inpatient treatment facility spot open for me.”
‘I asked my 95-year-old grandfather to dance with me. I have never seen him smile so big in my life. I wanted to live in this moment forever.’
“When my grandfather saw my tears, he asked me why I was crying.”
‘We have that number beat!’: Massachusetts fire department has 9 BABIES born in less than a year, ‘fire wives’ strike up healthy competition
“2 of which were even born on the same day! This department is on fire!”
‘Even before life began I didn’t have the best chance of survival. I was conceived by two reckless, ill prepared, teenagers being instructed to ‘consider all their options.’
“When I was 15, I would succumb to numerous stresses, triggers, and bullying. I survived my mental health incident of swallowing over 150 pills.”
‘I was punched in the face by a man who claimed to ‘love me so much.’ Then he said, ‘Now I’m going to call my mom to let her finish the job.’: Woman’s son survives shaken baby syndrome, ‘He is a survivor for a reason’
“He said, ‘Something is wrong with Wyatt.’ I open the shower curtain and see him holding my son out. I thought his neck was broken.”