As a Digital Editor of Love What Matters, I'm here to pull on your heartstrings and make you smile. After spending nearly six years as a Digital Reporter for ABC News' "Good Morning America," I'm thrilled to continue sharing touching and inspiring stories that the world is so craving. We can all use more love in our lives -- now you've found the perfect place to get it.
‘At the top of my lungs I was screaming, ‘Please God, please don’t take him, I know you hear me, don’t take him!’ I looked down and saw his eyes rolling back in his head.’
“He was a Marine, tall, handsome, had every quality I dreamed of as a little girl in a husband. He was my ‘rock.’ Years went by, and we continued to drift apart emotionally. Then, our lives changed that day.”
‘She is due in 9 days. You have been chosen by a birth mom. I threw up the entire day before this meeting.’: After infertility struggle family adopts baby girl
“Here I was standing in my own delivery room, holding my baby on my chest. As I looked down at my sweet baby girl’s face I thought, ‘You were worth it. You were worth it all.’”
‘I received a text from my mother: ‘Can you come home after work please, I want to talk to you about the results of my CT scan.’ I raced home. My heart sank.’
“To this day, I thank God she was in that room. ‘There is no heart rate on the monitor,’ she said. We pressed the emergency button and the nurses and doctor came running in. The minutes that followed were very scary, very intense.”
‘We’ve been living with my parents for 3.5 years. I never imagined we’d move in with them, 2 months before the triplets were born.’: Woman’s ‘extreme gratitude’ for parents’ sacrifices for her family
“Bringing in a very pregnant daughter, son-in-law and triplets was a lot to ask, and we knew that. My dad said, ‘This is an opportunity for me to be there for my grand babies, the way I wasn’t able to be there for you.’ I cried.”
‘The morning of her adoption, as the sun crept into our room, I watched her sleep. I studied the curve of her lips, the fullness of her perfect cheeks. This is the moment everything changes.’
“The judge pulled me aside to thank me, one less little person in the system. There is a refreshing light-hearted joy in the courthouse. A day where balloons bounce and smiles are had. For a moment, the cycle of dysfunction is broken.”
‘Suddenly, everything changed. He became irritated with me. Then he said something I never thought I would hear: ‘I want you to leave.’: Woman learns lesson about ‘sacrifice’ from husband recovering from surgery, ‘That’s what good men do’
“The day he kicked me out of his hospital room, they had a conversation. She asked him how he was. She told him she missed him. His next text was simple.”
‘I thought maybe my husband fell, or something was wrong. When he finally came in, he said nothing. I grabbed his hand and whispered THANK YOU. I could see in his eyes he knew why.’
“He could not bear to know when the boys finally got up, they would see him lying on the ground. Sure enough, Alex was the first to get up. ‘Mommy, Mommy, come look,’ he said. Panic set in.”
‘I went to the appointment, and my life changed. Was I about to die? No, I can’t. I’m not ready! This doesn’t run in my family, and I live a healthy lifestyle.’
“My aunt and grandma went with me to talk to my doctor to try to get further understanding, but to be honest, I didn’t hear a thing she said. My doctor was in tears because she couldn’t understand either.”
Men With Kids Are NOT Babysitters, They’re Dads
“My husband is a DAD, just like I’m a MOM.”
There Were 2 Missing From Our Thanksgiving Celebration This Year
“Our brother, who lost his battle to cancer, and our mom, who is still with us, but lost within herself.”