Devon Ledbetter

Devon Ledbetter is a writer and editor based in Florida. She holds a BA in English from Florida State University. She currently formerly worked as a Digital Editor with Love What Matters and has previously had works published with College Magazine and Her Campus. Her favorite pastimes include beach trips, baking, and concerts. You can learn more about Devon through her portfolio

‘Don’t lose yourself in motherhood.’ Not every message we hear about mom life is for us.’: Mom to big kids says ‘right now, I don’t care if I do’

“You know the ‘blip’ from ‘Avengers: Endgame?’ Blink – it happened here. My kids are now in 10th grade, 9th grade, and 5th grade and oh-my-heart, their focus has shifted to activities, friends, driving, and talking about college. No one has listened to my suggestion of stopping all this growing up so fast.”

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