15 People With Insanely Accurate Doppelgängers In Their Family Tree

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Most of us resemble our family members in one way or another, but some people seem to be cut from the same bolt of cloth.

There’s a difference between looking kind of like grandma and looking exactly like grandma. Of course, it’s hard to truly appreciate how much we resemble another family member until we see a side-by-side comparison. In the cases below, once they saw it, it could never be unseen! In short, genetics are wild.

1. “I never understood why people said I look like my dad until we found this picture of my paternal grandma.”

Teen and grandma

2. “My maternal grandmother and me!”

woman and grandma

3. “My great-grandfather and my dad.”

man and father

4. “Would have never known I was a doppelgänger of my great-grandmother (1894-1961) without Ancestry DNA. Today I connected with my fourth cousin who sent me this photograph. I’m shocked.”

woman and grandma

5. “My Norwegian great-grandmother and I favor quite a bit. According to my test (and genealogy maps) my Scandinavian roots are only 26 percent, but her genes must’ve been as strong as her back!”

teen and grandma

6. “My father and I at 29.”

man and father

7. “Me at age 30 vs. my dad at age 14.”

woman and father

8. “My paternal grandfather and me. I always thought I looked nothing like my dad, until I saw his dad.”

man and grandpa

This story originally appeared on InspireMore.

9. “The genes seem to run strong in my fiancé’s family.”

man and grandpa

10. “Not copy and paste but more like a washed down version of her!”

teen and grandma

11. “My father (left) was born in the ‘60s and grew up not knowing who his biological father was. After buying him a DNA test, we found out his father had passed away but DNA does not lie! Am I the only one who thinks they could be twins?”

man and father

12. “Me and my grandfather.”

man and grandpa

13. “My direct paternal grandfather, born 506 years apart.”

teen and very great grandpa

14. “Me and my great-grandpa 2020/1918.”

teen and grandpa

15. “Me and my mum!”

woman and mom

There’s no denying these people are related! It’s crazy to see how strong some genes can be. Do you have a look-alike in your family tree? You might want to check some old photos to find out! And don’t forget to share this story to make someone smile.

This story originally appeared on InspireMore. Submit your own story to Love What Matters here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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